Featured image for Geraniums


Geraniums are a genus of flowering plants commonly found in gardens and homes. They are a popular choice for their bright and cheerful blooms, making them a favorite among gardeners.

Classification and Taxonomy

Geraniums belong to the Geraniaceae family and are comprised of 422 species.

Description and Characteristics

Geraniums are perennial plants that can grow up to two feet tall. The flowers are usually pink, red, white, or purple and have five petals. The leaves are usually lobed and have a hairy texture.

Distribution and Habitat

Geraniums are native to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They can be found in meadows, grasslands, and woodlands.

Ecology and Reproduction

Geraniums are pollinated by bees, butterflies, and other insects. They reproduce by seed and are often propagated by cuttings.

Uses and Economic Importance

Geraniums are often grown as ornamental plants in gardens and homes. They are also used in aromatherapy and herbal medicine.

Conservation Status

Geraniums are not currently threatened or endangered.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Geraniums are related to the Pelargonium, which is often confused with Geraniums. 2. Geraniums are edible and can be used in salads. 3. Geraniums are often used to repel insects. 4. Geraniums are used in perfumes and cosmetics. 5. Geraniums can be used to make a tea that can help with digestion. 6. Geraniums can be used to make a dye for fabrics and paper. 7. Geraniums are known to attract hummingbirds. 8. Geraniums can be used to make a facial toner. 9. Geraniums can help improve mental clarity and focus. 10. Geraniums can be used to make a natural insect repellent.


"What did the Geranium say when it saw a bee? 'Oh, bee-have!'"

Similar To

Begonia, Impatiens, Petunia, Ivy Keywords: Geraniums, flowers, plants, Geraniaceae, garden, home, bees, butterflies, seed, cuttings, ornamental, aromatherapy, herbal medicine.

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