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Eggplant (Solanum melongena) is a species of nightshade grown for its edible fruit. Eggplant is classified as a vegetable and is a member of the Solanaceae family which includes tomatoes, potatoes, and peppers.

Classification and Taxonomy

The scientific name for eggplant is Solanum melongena. It is classified as a vegetable, and is a member of the Solanaceae family.

Description and Characteristics

Eggplant is a perennial plant that grows to a height of about 3 feet. The fruit is oval-shaped and typically dark purple in color. The flesh is white and spongy, and the seeds are small and black.

Distribution and Habitat

Eggplant is native to India, and is now grown in many parts of the world. It prefers warm climates and is usually grown in tropical and subtropical regions.

Ecology and Reproduction

Eggplant is pollinated by insects such as bees and butterflies. The flowers are white and produce small, dark purple fruits.

Uses and Economic Importance

Eggplant is a popular vegetable used in many dishes around the world. It is also used to make pickles, sauces, and jams.

Conservation Status

Eggplant is not considered to be threatened or endangered.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Eggplants are actually a fruit, not a vegetable. 2. The eggplant is a member of the nightshade family, which includes tomatoes and potatoes. 3. The eggplant is believed to have originated in India. 4. The eggplant is a low-calorie food, with only 35 calories per cup. 5. The eggplant is a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 6. Eggplants have been cultivated for over 4,000 years. 7. The eggplant is the national vegetable of India. 8. The eggplant is a symbol of fertility in some cultures. 9. Eggplants are used to make a variety of dishes, including baba ghanoush and ratatouille. 10. Eggplants are believed to have medicinal properties and are used to treat some illnesses.


Don't let the eggplant go to your head!

Similar To

Tomato, Potato, Pepper, Squash Keywords: Eggplant, Solanum melongena, Nightshade, Vegetable, India, Fertility, Medicinal Properties

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