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Carnations are a species of flowering plants that are part of the family of Caryophyllaceae. They are known for their vibrant colors and unique fragrances.

Classification and Taxonomy

Carnations belong to the family Caryophyllaceae, and the genus Dianthus.

Description and Characteristics

Carnations are herbaceous annuals and perennials that grow up to 30-90 cm tall. The leaves are linear to lanceolate and the flowers are usually pink, white, yellow, or red. The flowers have a unique fragrance and are used in bouquets, as decorations, and for medicinal purposes.

Distribution and Habitat

Carnations are native to Europe, North Africa, and Asia. They are found in fields, meadows, and gardens.

Ecology and Reproduction

Carnations are pollinated by bees, butterflies, and other insects. The flowers produce seeds, which can be used for propagation.

Uses and Economic Importance

Carnations are widely used for ornamental purposes, as well as for medicinal purposes. The flowers are also used to make perfumes and essential oils.

Conservation Status

Carnations are not considered to be threatened or endangered.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Carnations are the second most popular flower in the world. 2. The scientific name for carnations is Dianthus caryophyllus. 3. Carnations are believed to have originated in the Mediterranean region. 4. Carnations can grow in a variety of soils and climates. 5. Carnations can last up to two weeks when cut. 6. Carnations come in a variety of colors, including pink, white, yellow, and red. 7. Carnations are often used as a symbol of love and affection. 8. Carnations are a popular choice for weddings and other special occasions. 9. Carnations are edible and can be used to make tea. 10. Carnations are the national flower of Spain.


Don't be so carnation-al, it's not that bad!

Similar To

Roses, Pinks, Sweet Williams, Baby's Breath Keywords: Carnations, Dianthus caryophyllus, Caryophyllaceae, Herbaceous Annuals, Perennials, Pollination, Ornamental, Medicinal, Essential Oils, Love, Affection, Wedding, Spain.

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