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Butter lettuce

Butter lettuce, also known as butterhead lettuce, is a variety of lettuce that is popular in salads and other dishes. It is a cool-weather crop and is grown in many parts of the world.

Classification and Taxonomy

Butter lettuce belongs to the Asteraceae family and is classified as Lactuca sativa.

Description and Characteristics

Butter lettuce has a soft, buttery texture and flavor. Its leaves are light green in color and have a mild flavor. The leaves are also slightly crinkled and have a slightly wavy edge. The heads are typically round and small, with a diameter of around 10 cm.

Distribution and Habitat

Butter lettuce is native to the Mediterranean region and is now cultivated throughout the world. It prefers cooler climates and can be grown in a variety of soil types.

Ecology and Reproduction

Butter lettuce is a self-pollinating plant and requires little maintenance. It is usually grown from seed and can be harvested in around 60 days.

Uses and Economic Importance

Butter lettuce is a popular ingredient in salads and other dishes. It is also used in wraps, sandwiches, and soups.

Conservation Status

Butter lettuce is not considered to be a threatened species and is not listed on the IUCN Red List.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Butter lettuce is also known as Boston lettuce or Bibb lettuce. 2. It is a cool-weather crop and is usually grown in the spring or fall. 3. Butter lettuce is high in Vitamin A and Vitamin K. 4. It is a popular ingredient in Caesar salads. 5. Butter lettuce is a popular choice for hydroponic gardening. 6. It is also used to make lettuce wraps. 7. Butter lettuce is a great source of dietary fiber. 8. The leaves of butter lettuce are edible and can be used in salads. 9. Butter lettuce is a popular choice for container gardening. 10. It is also used to make lettuce cups.


Butter lettuce, it's sure to be a head of the lettuce!

Similar To

Romaine lettuce, Iceberg lettuce, Radicchio, Arugula Keywords: Butter lettuce, Lactuca sativa, Boston lettuce, Bibb lettuce, cool-weather crop, salad ingredient, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, hydroponic gardening, lettuce wraps, container gardening.

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