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Zebra Doves

Zebra Doves are a species of small, colorful birds native to Southeast Asia. They are easily recognizable by their distinctive black and white stripes, which give them their name. These birds are often kept as pets due to their gentle nature and attractive appearance. They are also popular among bird watchers, as they can be found in a variety of habitats.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Geopelia striata

Average Lifespan

5-7 years

Average Size

9-10 inches

Similar To

Rock Pigeon, Spotted Dove, Peaceful Dove, Bar-shouldered Dove


Zebra Doves have a relatively short lifespan, usually living for about 5-7 years. They reach sexual maturity at around one year of age and usually breed during the spring and summer months. The female will lay two eggs, which she will incubate for about two weeks. The chicks will fledge after about three weeks, and will stay with their parents for the next few months before becoming independent.


Zebra Doves feed mainly on seeds and small insects. They will also eat fruits and berries, as well as some types of flower nectar.


Zebra Doves can be found in a variety of habitats, including grasslands, forests, and urban areas. They are also often seen in parks and gardens.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Zebra Doves are named after the distinctive black and white stripes on their feathers. 2. They are one of the few species of birds that can recognize their own reflection in a mirror. 3. Zebra Doves are known for their gentle and docile nature, making them popular as pets. 4. They are able to fly quickly and can reach speeds of up to 25 mph. 5. Zebra Doves are monogamous, meaning they will mate for life. 6. They have a loud and distinctive call, which can be heard up to a mile away. 7. They are able to recognize their own species by their calls, even when they are far away. 8. Zebra Doves are very social birds and will often flock together in large groups. 9. They are able to adapt to their environment, making them successful in both rural and urban areas. 10. Zebra Doves are believed to bring good luck and fortune to those who see them.


"A Zebra Dove is a real stripe-teaser!"

Out Thoughts About

🤩🤩 These beautiful birds are a great addition to any garden or park!

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