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Wombats are short-legged, muscular marsupials native to Australia and Tasmania. They are known for their stubby legs, short tails and strong claws, which they use to dig burrows and create their homes. Wombats are usually nocturnal animals, meaning they are active during the night. They are herbivores, meaning they eat plants and vegetation.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Vombatus ursinus

Average Lifespan

10-15 years in the wild, up to 30 years in captivity.

Average Size

Wombats can grow up to 3 feet long and weigh up to 50 lbs.

Similar To

Kangaroos, koalas, wallabies, possums


Wombats are born after a gestation period of 21 days. They are the smallest of all marsupial babies and are born blind and hairless. They crawl into their mother’s pouch and attach themselves to one of the four teats. They stay in the pouch for up to seven months, then, when they are big enough, they start to explore the world outside.


Wombats are herbivores, meaning they eat plants and vegetation. They mostly eat grasses, roots, and bark, but they also enjoy fruits and mushrooms. They get most of their water from the plants they eat, but they will also drink from water sources if they can find them.


Wombats are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and coastal areas. They prefer to live in areas with plenty of vegetation, as this provides them with food and shelter. They usually create their burrows in the ground and line them with grass and leaves.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Wombats are the only animal that poops square-shaped feces. 2. Wombats can run up to 25 mph. 3. Wombats can live up to 30 years in captivity. 4. Wombats can jump up to 5 feet in the air. 5. Wombats have a special pouch on their stomachs that they use to carry food and young. 6. Wombats can swim and dive underwater. 7. Wombats are very social animals and live in groups. 8. Wombats can climb trees and they often use trees to mark their territories. 9. Wombats have an excellent sense of smell and hearing. 10. Wombats are very vocal and communicate with each other using a variety of sounds.


What did the wombat say when it saw a funny joke? “That’s a hoot!”

Out Thoughts About

🤩 Wombats are amazing animals that are full of surprises!

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