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Willow warblers

Willow warblers are small, migratory birds native to Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. They are easily identified by their yellowish-green plumage and bright, white underparts. Willow warblers have a distinctive song and are often seen flitting between shrubs and trees.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Phylloscopus trochilus

Average Lifespan

3 years

Average Size

13 cm

Similar To

Chiffchaffs, Goldcrests, Wood Warblers, Grasshopper Warblers


Willow warblers typically breed in the spring and summer months, laying four to six eggs in a cup-shaped nest. The eggs hatch after 11-14 days and the chicks fledge after 12-14 days. Willow warblers typically live for around three years.


Willow warblers primarily feed on small insects, such as flies, beetles, and caterpillars, which they catch in mid-air or glean from foliage. They also feed on spiders, moths, and other small invertebrates.


Willow warblers are found in a variety of habitats, including deciduous and coniferous woodland, scrub, open country with trees, and gardens. They are also found in wetland habitats, such as reedbeds and marshes.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Willow warblers are the UK's most common warbler species. 2. Willow warblers have a distinctive song, which consists of a series of chirps and trills. 3. Willow warblers are migratory birds and travel south in autumn and winter to warmer climates. 4. Willow warblers are polygynous, meaning that males mate with multiple females. 5. Willow warblers often form mixed-species flocks with other small birds, such as chiffchaffs and goldcrests. 6. Willow warblers have been known to hybridise with other warbler species, such as chiffchaffs. 7. Willow warblers are able to detect the ultraviolet rays of flowers, aiding them in finding food. 8. Willow warblers are often seen perched on top of shrubs and trees, singing their distinctive song. 9. Willow warblers are able to fly at speeds of up to 25 mph. 10. Willow warblers are able to detect the magnetic fields of the Earth, aiding them in navigation during migration.


What did the Willow warbler say when it saw a tasty insect? "I'm warble for it!"

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🤩🐦🐦 We love Willow warblers! They are so colourful and full of energy!

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