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The Whitethroat (Sylvia communis) is a small bird in the family Sylviidae. It is a migratory species that breeds in much of Europe and western Asia and winters in Africa. It has a distinctive white throat and grey-brown upperparts. Whitethroats are found in a variety of habitats, including grasslands, open woodlands, scrub and hedgerows.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Sylvia communis

Average Lifespan

1-2 years

Average Size


Similar To

Wrens, Warblers, Robins, Blackcaps


Whitethroats lay up to six eggs in a nest, which is usually built in a bush or low tree. After hatching, the chicks fledge after 10-14 days. The adults feed them for several weeks before they become independent.


Whitethroats mostly feed on insects, such as grasshoppers, caterpillars and beetles. They also eat spiders and other small invertebrates.


Whitethroats are found in a variety of habitats, including grasslands, open woodlands, scrub and hedgerows. They prefer areas with dense vegetation, as this provides cover for foraging and protection from predators.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Whitethroats have a distinctive white throat and grey-brown upperparts. 2. Whitethroats are migratory birds, breeding in Europe and western Asia and wintering in Africa. 3. Whitethroats are found in a variety of habitats, including grasslands, open woodlands, scrub and hedgerows. 4. Whitethroats lay up to six eggs in a nest, which is usually built in a bush or low tree. 5. After hatching, the chicks fledge after 10-14 days. 6. The adults feed them for several weeks before they become independent. 7. Whitethroats mostly feed on insects, such as grasshoppers, caterpillars and beetles. 8. The male Whitethroat sings a loud song to attract a mate. 9. The Whitethroat is a species of special conservation concern in Europe. 10. Whitethroats are a common sight in gardens and parks in the UK.


It's not hard to find a Whitethroat - just look for the one with the white throat!

Out Thoughts About

🐦🤩 Whitethroats are such beautiful birds and it's amazing to think that they migrate all the way from Europe to Africa!

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