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Weevils are small beetles that belong to the family Curculionidae. They are typically characterized by their long snouts and reddish-brown or black bodies. They are found in all parts of the world, and there are over 60,000 species of weevils.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

1-10 years

Average Size

0.2-6.0 mm

Similar To

Ants, Beetles, Moths, Flies


Weevils usually have a three-stage life cycle which includes egg, larva, and adult stages. The eggs are laid on a food source, which the larvae feed on until they pupate and emerge as adults.


Weevils feed on a variety of plants and grains, including wheat, barley, oats, maize, and rice. They can also be found feeding on fruits, vegetables, and flowers.


Weevils are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, fields, gardens, and even inside homes. They prefer moist and warm environments, and are often found in areas with high humidity.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Weevils are the largest family of beetles in the world. 2. Weevils can jump up to 10 times their own body length. 3. Some species of weevils are able to produce sound. 4. Weevils have a long snout that helps them reach into tight spaces to feed. 5. Weevils have an extremely long lifespan, with some species living up to 10 years. 6. Weevils are used as biological control agents to help control pest populations. 7. Weevils have a wide range of colors, including black, brown, yellow, and red. 8. Weevils have antennae that are used to detect food and mates. 9. Weevils are able to fly, but usually only for short distances. 10. Weevils are able to survive in harsh environments and can survive temperatures as low as -20°C.


What did the weevil say when it saw a delicious grain of wheat? "Wheat be mine!"

Out Thoughts About

🤩 Weevils are amazing creatures that are full of surprises!

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