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Weasels are small carnivorous mammals belonging to the Mustelidae family. There are many species of Weasels, but the most common ones are the European Weasel, the Long-tailed Weasel, and the Least Weasel. Weasels are found all over the world, and are known for their long, slender bodies and short legs.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Mustela spp.

Average Lifespan

2-3 years

Average Size

8-12 inches

Similar To

Ferrets, Mink, Badgers, Otters


Weasels reach maturity at around 6 months of age. They reproduce in the spring and summer months, and give birth to litters of 5-10 young. The young are born blind and helpless, and are dependent on their mothers for food and protection. After about a month, the young are able to hunt for themselves and become independent.


Weasels are carnivorous animals, and their diet consists mainly of small rodents, insects, and other small animals. They are also known to eat fruits and berries when available.


Weasels are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and agricultural areas. They prefer areas with plenty of cover and access to food sources. They are also found in urban areas, and can be seen hunting in gardens and parks.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Weasels have a very high metabolism, and must eat frequently to survive. 2. The Long-tailed Weasel has a tail that is almost as long as its body. 3. Weasels can climb trees and swim. 4. Weasels can be very vocal, and are known to make a variety of noises including hisses, growls, and shrieks. 5. Weasels are solitary animals, and are rarely seen in groups. 6. Weasels have a very keen sense of smell, and can detect prey from up to a mile away. 7. Weasels are known to be very aggressive and fearless, and will often attack animals much larger than themselves. 8. Weasels have been known to hunt in packs, and can take down animals as large as rabbits and groundhogs. 9. Weasels have a unique way of killing their prey. They bite the neck of their prey and then hold on until the animal dies from shock. 10. Weasels have been known to play dead when threatened, and can remain motionless for long periods of time.


What did the Weasel say when he was asked to do a job? "Weasel do it!"

Out Thoughts About

🤩 Weasels are fascinating creatures! They are incredibly adaptable and have some amazing hunting skills.

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