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Wagtails are small, slim birds with long tails and short legs. They are found in most parts of the world and are known for their distinctive wagging tail movements. They are generally found near water sources and open grasslands. Wagtails are also known for their cheerful song, which is often heard during the spring and summer months.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

8 years

Average Size

13-15 cm

Similar To

Robins, Thrushes, Sparrows, Pipits


Wagtails are monogamous birds and will form pair bonds for life. They will build their nests in cavities, such as tree hollows, rock crevices, or nest boxes. The female will lay between four and six eggs, which will hatch after about two weeks. The chicks will stay in the nest for around two weeks before they fledge and are able to fly.


Wagtails are insectivorous birds and feed mainly on insects, such as flies, beetles, and grasshoppers. They will also eat spiders and small amphibians. They will often forage on the ground, but will also fly up to catch insects in mid-air.


Wagtails are found in a variety of habitats, including grasslands, wetlands, woodlands, and even urban areas. They prefer open areas with plenty of water sources, such as streams, ponds, and lakes. They are also often seen near human settlements, such as parks, gardens, and farms.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Wagtails are the only birds that can wag their tails from side to side. 2. They are able to hover in mid-air while they hunt for insects. 3. Wagtails can fly up to 25 miles per hour. 4. They are able to recognize their own reflection in a mirror. 5. Wagtails can live up to 8 years in the wild. 6. They are known to mate for life. 7. Wagtails are able to recognize the calls of other wagtails and will respond accordingly. 8. They are able to recognize the faces of their mates and offspring. 9. Wagtails will often use their tail feathers to communicate with each other. 10. They are able to recognize predators from a distance and will sound alarm calls to warn other birds.


Wagtails are the tail-wagginest birds around!

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🤩 Wagtails are such amazing and unique birds!

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