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The Urutu is a species of freshwater dolphins found in the Amazon basin of South America. It is the only species of freshwater dolphin in the Amazon and one of the rarest dolphins in the world. The Urutu is a small dolphin with a long beak and a stocky body. It has a grayish-brown back and a white underside.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Inia geoffrensis

Average Lifespan

25 years

Average Size

6-7 ft.

Similar To

Amazon River Dolphin, Tucuxi, Boto, Irrawaddy Dolphin


Urutus reach sexual maturity at the age of five to seven and they typically live up to 25 years. They are known to form strong social bonds and live in groups of two to seven individuals.


Urutus are carnivores and feed mainly on fish, crustaceans, and other aquatic animals.


Urutus inhabit the large rivers and floodplains of the Amazon basin. They are found in the main channels of the Amazon, the Rio Negro, the Orinoco, and the Tapajós rivers.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Urutus are the only species of freshwater dolphins found in the Amazon basin. 2. Urutus are able to swim up to 25 miles per hour. 3. They communicate using a variety of sounds, including whistles and clicks. 4. Urutus are able to leap up to 7 feet out of the water. 5. They are able to stay underwater for up to 4 minutes. 6. Urutus are social animals and live in groups of two to seven individuals. 7. They have a long, slender beak and a stocky body. 8. Urutus are known to use tools, such as sticks, to catch prey. 9. They have a unique ability to sense electric fields in the water, which helps them to detect prey. 10. Urutus are an endangered species due to habitat destruction and pollution.


“It’s a dolphin-tastic day when you get to see an Urutu!”

Out Thoughts About

🐬💙 These amazing creatures are a rare sight to behold and we hope that their habitats and populations can be protected!

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