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Umbrella birds

The Umbrella bird is a species of passerine bird native to the tropical forests of Central and South America. It is known for its distinctively large crest, which is shaped like an umbrella. The crest is usually black and yellow and is used to attract a mate. The Umbrella bird is also known for its loud call, which is described as a “booming” sound.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Cephalopterus ornatus

Average Lifespan

Up to 10 years in the wild

Average Size

Length: 14-16 inches, Wingspan: up to 24 inches

Similar To

Toucan, Hoatzin, Jacamar, Manakin


The Umbrella bird begins its life in an egg. When the egg hatches, the chick is born with its crest already developed. As the chick grows, its crest grows larger and more colorful. The Umbrella bird reaches adulthood after about one year.


The Umbrella bird is an omnivore, meaning it eats both plants and animals. Its diet consists of fruit, insects, spiders, small reptiles, and small mammals.


The Umbrella bird prefers to inhabit tropical rainforests, especially those near rivers and streams. It can also be found in mangrove swamps, secondary forests, and plantations.

10 Fun Facts About

1. The Umbrella bird is the national bird of Panama. 2. The female Umbrella bird is smaller than the male. 3. The Umbrella bird’s crest is used to attract a mate, as well as to show aggression. 4. The Umbrella bird has a wingspan of up to 24 inches. 5. The Umbrella bird is a weak flyer and prefers to stay close to the ground. 6. The Umbrella bird is a solitary bird and is usually found alone. 7. The Umbrella bird is a poor swimmer and prefers to stay on land. 8. The Umbrella bird is a nocturnal bird, meaning it is most active at night. 9. The Umbrella bird has a loud, booming call that can be heard from up to a mile away. 10. The Umbrella bird has a lifespan of up to 10 years in the wild.


What do you call a bird with an umbrella? A rain-brella!

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