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Terns are a type of seabird that belong to the family Laridae. They are closely related to gulls and skimmers, and are known for their distinctive black and white plumage, long wings, and forked tails. The most widely distributed species of tern is the common tern, which is found in temperate regions across the world.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

15-25 years

Average Size

11-19 inches

Similar To

Gulls, Skimmers, Gannets, Auks


Terns are migratory birds, and they spend the winter months in warmer climates before returning to their breeding grounds in the spring. During the breeding season, terns typically lay two to three eggs, which are incubated by both parents. The chicks hatch after about three weeks and are able to fly after a further three weeks.


Terns mainly feed on small fish, crustaceans, and insects, which they catch by flying low over the water and diving for their prey.


Terns inhabit coastal areas, estuaries, and inland lakes, where they can find shallow water and plenty of food. They can also be found in urban areas, such as parks and golf courses, where they feed on insects and other small creatures.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Terns can fly at speeds of up to 60 mph. 2. Terns can live up to 25 years in the wild. 3. The Arctic tern is the longest-migrating bird in the world, travelling up to 22,000 miles each year. 4. Terns are monogamous, and they often mate for life. 5. Terns have been known to follow fishing boats in order to feed on the fish discarded by the fishermen. 6. The common tern is the only species of tern that nests in North America. 7. Terns are highly social birds, and they often form large flocks. 8. Terns have been known to steal food from other birds, such as gulls and cormorants. 9. Terns are highly territorial, and they will defend their nesting sites from intruders. 10. The Sandwich tern is the only species of tern that does not have a forked tail.


What did the tern say when it saw a fish? "Tern-derloin!"

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🤩🤩 We think terns are amazing birds!

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