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Tadpoles are the larval stage of frogs and toads. They are typically characterized by a small, round body with a long, thin tail. They are aquatic animals, meaning they live in water, and they undergo a remarkable transformation as they grow and mature.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

The scientific name for tadpoles is Anura.

Average Lifespan

The average lifespan of a tadpole is 1-2 years.

Average Size

The average size of a tadpole is 2-3 cm in length.

Similar To

Salamanders, Axolotls, Newts, Fish


Tadpoles begin their life as eggs, which are laid by female frogs and toads in water. The eggs hatch into tadpoles, which feed on algae and other aquatic plants. As they grow, they develop hind legs, then front legs, and eventually their tail will shrink and be absorbed into their body. At this point, they are considered frogs or toads and are ready to leave the water and live on land.


Tadpoles are omnivores, meaning they feed on both plants and animals. They typically feed on algae and other aquatic plants, as well as small insects, crustaceans, and even other tadpoles.


Tadpoles can be found in a variety of aquatic habitats, including ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers. They prefer shallow, slow-moving bodies of water with plenty of vegetation, as this provides them with food and shelter.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Tadpoles can breathe underwater through their gills, but as they mature and develop lungs, they will begin to breathe air. 2. Tadpoles are able to regenerate lost body parts, such as tails or legs. 3. Tadpoles can swim up to 20 miles per hour. 4. Tadpoles are born with a yolk sac, which provides them with food until they are able to feed on their own. 5. Tadpoles can change color to blend in with their surroundings. 6. Tadpoles have eyes on the sides of their heads, which gives them a wide field of vision. 7. Tadpoles have an organ on their heads that can detect vibrations in the water, allowing them to sense predators. 8. Tadpoles can live for up to two years before transforming into frogs or toads. 9. Tadpoles are a favorite food of many predators, including fish, birds, and other amphibians. 10. Tadpoles can be used as a natural form of mosquito control, as they feed on mosquito larvae.


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🐸 Tadpoles are amazing creatures that undergo a remarkable transformation as they mature!

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