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Swifts are small, aerial birds that belong to the Apodidae family. They are found in many parts of the world and are known for their fast and agile flight. Swifts have a unique, long, pointed wings and a short forked tail. They have short legs and long beaks, which they use to catch flying insects.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

Swifts typically live for up to 10 years in the wild.

Average Size

Swifts typically measure between 8 and 10 inches in length.

Similar To

Hummingbirds, Swallows, Swifts, Martins


Swifts usually lay two to four eggs in a nest made of mud and moss. The eggs are incubated for 15 to 20 days, after which the chicks hatch. The chicks are fed by both parents and fledge in about 20 to 30 days.


Swifts are insectivores and feed mainly on flying insects. They also feed on small spiders and other small invertebrates.


Swifts typically inhabit open habitats such as grasslands, savannas, and other open areas. They are also found in urban areas and near rivers, lakes, and other water sources.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Swifts can reach speeds of up to 106 km/h. 2. Swifts can fly for up to 10 months without landing. 3. Swifts are able to sleep while flying. 4. Swifts are able to sense the presence of insects in the air, even in the dark. 5. Swifts are able to fly in a variety of directions, including up, down, and sideways. 6. Swifts have a unique call that sounds like a “screech”. 7. Swifts are able to fly in large flocks of up to several thousand birds. 8. Swifts are able to migrate over long distances, with some species flying up to 10,000 km. 9. Swifts are able to fly in the rain and even during storms. 10. Swifts are able to fly at altitudes of up to 4,000 meters.


Swifts are really swift at catching insects!

Out Thoughts About

🤩 Swifts are amazing creatures and it's incredible how they are able to fly so fast and for so long without landing!

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