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Swallows are a type of migratory passerine bird that belong to the Hirundinidae family. They have long, pointed wings and a forked tail that allows them to fly and maneuver quickly. Swallows are found on every continent except Antarctica and are known for their ability to migrate long distances.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

Up to 10 years in the wild

Average Size

5-7 inches in length

Similar To

Swifts, Martins, Terns, Swans


Swallows typically lay 3-7 eggs in a nest and incubate them for about 2 weeks. After hatching, the young birds stay in the nest for about 3 weeks before they are ready to fly. Swallows reach sexual maturity after one year and can live up to 10 years in the wild.


Swallows primarily feed on flying insects, such as flies, mosquitoes, and moths. They also eat spiders, small fish, and other small invertebrates.


Swallows prefer open areas, such as fields, meadows, and marshes, where they can easily find their insect prey. They build their nests in sheltered areas, such as inside barns and tunnels, under bridges, and in the eaves of buildings.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Swallows are the fastest birds in level flight, with some species reaching speeds of up to 62 miles per hour. 2. Swallows are believed to bring good luck, and it is considered bad luck to kill them. 3. Swallows are monogamous and usually mate for life. 4. Swallows don't walk, they hop. 5. Swallows often migrate in large flocks, with some flocks containing up to a million birds. 6. Swallows are known for their acrobatic aerial displays. 7. Swallows are able to drink while in flight by scooping up water with their beaks. 8. Swallows can be found on every continent except Antarctica. 9. Swallows can recognize their own nest and will often return to the same nest year after year. 10. Swallows have been known to fly up to 10,000 miles during their annual migration.


What do you call a swallow that has lost its way? A mis-swallow!

Out Thoughts About

🤩🤩 Swallows are amazing birds that have incredible abilities and have been around for millions of years!

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