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Spotted flycatchers

The Spotted Flycatcher (Muscicapa striata) is a small passerine bird in the Old World flycatcher family. It is a migratory species, breeding in Europe and western Asia, and wintering in Africa. It is a slender bird, with a long tail and wings, and a grey-brown back. It has a distinctive white throat, and a white belly, with dark spots on the breast. It has a loud call, which is often heard in gardens and parks.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Muscicapa striata

Average Lifespan

2-3 years

Average Size

14-16 cm

Similar To

Pied Flycatcher, Grey Wagtail, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Blue-and-white Flycatcher


The Spotted Flycatcher breeds in the summer months, laying its eggs in a nest built in a tree or bush. The female lays 3-6 eggs, which hatch after 12-14 days. The chicks fledge after 14-17 days, but stay with the parents for another two weeks before becoming independent.


The Spotted Flycatcher feeds mainly on insects, which it catches in mid-air. It also eats berries, and occasionally small birds and lizards.


The Spotted Flycatcher is found in a wide range of habitats, including deciduous and mixed woodland, scrub, parks, gardens, and farmland. It is also found in urban areas, and is often seen perching on wires and fences.

10 Fun Facts About

1. The Spotted Flycatcher is one of the few birds that can catch flying insects in mid-air. 2. The Spotted Flycatcher is a migratory species, breeding in Europe and western Asia, and wintering in Africa. 3. The Spotted Flycatcher has a distinctive call, which is often heard in gardens and parks. 4. The Spotted Flycatcher is a slender bird, with a long tail and wings, and a grey-brown back. 5. The Spotted Flycatcher has a white throat, and a white belly, with dark spots on the breast. 6. The Spotted Flycatcher feeds mainly on insects, which it catches in mid-air. 7. The Spotted Flycatcher is found in a wide range of habitats, including deciduous and mixed woodland, scrub, parks, gardens, and farmland. 8. The Spotted Flycatcher is a summer breeder, laying its eggs in a nest built in a tree or bush. 9. The female Spotted Flycatcher lays 3-6 eggs, which hatch after 12-14 days. 10. The chicks fledge after 14-17 days, but stay with the parents for another two weeks before becoming independent.


I'm sure the Spotted Flycatcher will be spotted flying around catching bugs in no time!

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