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Sponges are one of the most ancient forms of life on Earth, having been around for over 600 million years. They are simple, yet complex animals that are classified as invertebrates. Sponges are believed to be the first animal to have evolved from single-celled organisms. They are found in a variety of aquatic habitats, including oceans, rivers, and lakes.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Phylum Porifera

Average Lifespan

up to 10 years

Average Size

Varies from a few millimeters to a meter in size

Similar To

Sea Anemones, Jellyfish, Corals, Sea Squirts


Sponges reproduce both sexually and asexually. During sexual reproduction, sponges release sperm and eggs into the water, where fertilization takes place. Asexually, sponges can reproduce by budding, fragmentation, or by producing gemmules.


Sponges feed by filtering particles from the water. They use their specialized cells to draw water into their bodies, where it passes through a system of canals and chambers. As the water passes through, the sponges filter out microscopic food particles, such as bacteria and plankton.


Sponges are found in a variety of aquatic habitats, including oceans, rivers, and lakes. They can be found in shallow waters, as well as in deep sea environments. Sponges can be found attached to rocks, coral, and other surfaces.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Sponges are the only animals that can regenerate from fragments. 2. Sponges don’t have brains or nervous systems. 3. Sponges can filter up to 2000 liters of water per day. 4. Sponges are the only animals that can reproduce both sexually and asexually. 5. Sponges are believed to be the oldest living species on Earth. 6. Sponges have been used by humans for centuries as cleaning tools. 7. Sponges have a unique ability to absorb and release water. 8. Sponges have been found living in temperatures as low as -2 degrees Celsius. 9. Sponges can live up to 10 years in the wild. 10. Sponges are believed to be the first animals to have evolved from single-celled organisms.


Sponges are so absorbent, they should really be called “spongesorbs”!

Out Thoughts About

🤩 Sponges are amazing creatures that have been around for millions of years! We think they are incredible and deserve to be appreciated.

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