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Spectacled Bears

Spectacled Bears, also known as Andean Bears, are the only bear species in South America. They are the only surviving species of the Tremarctinae subfamily of bears, and are the largest land carnivores in the continent. They are mostly found in the Andes Mountains of Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. Spectacled Bears are mostly solitary animals, but are sometimes seen in pairs or in small family groups.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Tremarctos ornatus

Average Lifespan

15-20 years in the wild, up to 28 years in captivity

Average Size

Males can reach up to 350 lbs and 5-6 feet in length, females are typically smaller

Similar To

Sloth Bears, Sun Bears, Asiatic Black Bears, American Black Bears


Spectacled Bears reach sexual maturity at around 3-4 years of age. Mating typically occurs in the spring and summer months, with a gestation period of 6-7 months. Cubs are born in litters of 1-3 and are weaned at around 6 months. Cubs stay with their mother until they are 2-3 years old, at which point they become independent.


Spectacled Bears are omnivorous and feed on a wide variety of foods including fruit, nuts, insects, small mammals, and some types of vegetation. They will also sometimes scavenge for carrion.


Spectacled Bears are found in a variety of habitats including montane forests, cloud forests, and subalpine meadows. They will also sometimes inhabit areas near human settlements.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Spectacled Bears are the only surviving species of the Tremarctinae subfamily of bears. 2. They are the only bear species in South America. 3. Spectacled Bears are the largest land carnivores in South America. 4. They are mostly solitary animals, but are sometimes seen in pairs or small family groups. 5. Spectacled Bears are omnivorous and feed on a wide variety of foods. 6. They are found in a variety of habitats including montane forests, cloud forests, and subalpine meadows. 7. They are excellent climbers and will often climb trees to escape predators or to feed on fruit. 8. They are listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. 9. Spectacled Bears have been known to live up to 28 years in captivity. 10. They have a distinctive facial marking around their eyes that gives them their name.


Spectacled Bears have a vision for success!

Out Thoughts About

🐻🐻 Spectacled Bears are such amazing animals! We are so lucky to have them in the world!

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