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Song thrushes

Song thrushes are medium-sized songbirds that are a part of the thrush family. They are native to the Palearctic region, which stretches from western Europe to eastern Asia. They are known for their beautiful and melodic songs, which are often heard in the early morning or late evening. They have a brownish-grey back and chest, with a speckled breast and a white eye-ring.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Turdus philomelos

Average Lifespan

Up to 12 years

Average Size

21-23 cm

Similar To

Blackbird, Redwing, Fieldfare, Mistle Thrush


Song thrushes breed in the early spring, usually laying 4-5 eggs in a nest that is built in a shrub or tree. The eggs are incubated for 10-14 days, and the chicks will fledge after another 10-14 days. They reach maturity after one year and can live up to 12 years in the wild.


Song thrushes are omnivorous, eating a variety of insects, worms, fruit, and seeds. They use their long, curved beaks to dig for food in the soil.


Song thrushes inhabit a wide range of habitats, including deciduous and coniferous forests, grasslands, scrubland, and farmland. They are also found in parks and gardens, where they can often be seen foraging on the ground.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Song thrushes are known for their beautiful and melodic songs, which are often heard in the early morning or late evening. 2. They have a brownish-grey back and chest, with a speckled breast and a white eye-ring. 3. Song thrushes use their long, curved beaks to dig for food in the soil. 4. They breed in the early spring, usually laying 4-5 eggs in a nest that is built in a shrub or tree. 5. Song thrushes inhabit a wide range of habitats, including deciduous and coniferous forests, grasslands, scrubland, and farmland. 6. They are omnivorous, eating a variety of insects, worms, fruit, and seeds. 7. Song thrushes are territorial birds, and will often chase away intruders from their territories. 8. They are known to cache their food, burying it in shallow holes and covering it with leaves. 9. They are migratory birds, travelling south in the winter and returning in the spring. 10. Song thrushes are a food source for many predators, including cats, foxes, and hawks.


What did the Song thrush say when it saw a predator? "Oh, no thrush!"

Out Thoughts About

🤩🤩 Song thrushes are amazing birds with beautiful songs!

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