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Snow Foxes

Snow Foxes, also known as Arctic foxes, are a species of small fox native to the Arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They are well adapted to their cold environment, with thick fur and a low surface area to volume ratio, which helps them to conserve heat. Snow foxes have a wide range of color morphs, including white, blue, and silver.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Vulpes lagopus

Average Lifespan

5-10 years

Average Size

18-27 inches long

Similar To

Red fox, Gray fox, Swift fox, Fennec fox


Snow foxes mate during the winter, and the female gives birth to a litter of up to 12 kits in the spring. The kits are born blind and deaf, and their mother will nurse them for up to seven weeks. At the age of three months, the kits are able to hunt with their parents.


Snow foxes are omnivorous and feed on a wide variety of foods, including small mammals, birds, eggs, insects, and berries. They will also scavenge for food, such as carrion, and will sometimes eat plant material.


Snow foxes are found in the Arctic tundra and boreal forest regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. They prefer open spaces, such as tundra and meadows, but can also be found in mountainous terrain and even in cities.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Snow foxes can survive temperatures as low as -58°F. 2. They have a thick coat of fur that is made up of two layers: a dense undercoat and a longer outer coat. 3. They are able to rotate their ears independently to help them pinpoint the location of prey. 4. Snow foxes have a unique “snowshoe” paw, which helps them walk on top of snow. 5. They have a strong sense of smell, which helps them to find food buried beneath the snow. 6. They are able to change the color of their fur to match the season. 7. Snow foxes are excellent swimmers and can stay submerged for up to a minute. 8. They are able to leap up to 3 feet in the air to catch prey. 9. Snow foxes are monogamous and form lifelong pairs. 10. They are active during the day and night.


What do you call a snow fox that loves to dance? A fox trotter!

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🤩These fascinating creatures are truly amazing!

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