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Sheep are a species of mammals belonging to the Bovidae family, which includes antelopes, goats, and cattle. They are a domesticated species of mammal, meaning they have been bred and kept by humans for centuries for their wool, milk, and meat. Sheep are found in many parts of the world, and their wool is used to make clothing, bedding, and other items.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Ovis aries

Average Lifespan

8-12 years

Average Size

24-36 inches

Similar To

Goats, Cattle, Antelopes


Sheep typically live between 8-12 years, and the gestation period for a female sheep is around 5 months. When a female sheep gives birth, she typically gives birth to one or two lambs. Lambs can walk within a few hours of birth, and they are usually able to eat grass and other vegetation within a few days. Lambs reach sexual maturity around 6 months of age, and they are usually ready to breed at around 1 year old.


Sheep are herbivores, meaning they mainly eat grass, herbs, and other vegetation. They also eat hay and grain, which are typically provided by humans.


Sheep can be found in many parts of the world, including North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. They typically live in pastures, meadows, and other open areas with plenty of vegetation.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Sheep are able to recognize up to 50 different faces of humans and other sheep. 2. Sheep have excellent hearing, and can detect predators from up to a mile away. 3. Sheep can live up to 15 years in the wild. 4. Sheep are social animals, and they typically live in herds of 10-100 animals. 5. Sheep are able to produce a variety of different sounds, including bleats, grunts, and barks. 6. A group of sheep is called a flock. 7. Sheep are able to see in color, unlike some other animals. 8. Sheep are able to remember paths to food and water sources. 9. Sheep are able to jump up to 3 feet high. 10. Sheep are able to run up to 30 mph.


What did the sheep say when it saw a scary movie? Baaaahhh!

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🐑🤩 Sheep are so cute and fascinating!

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