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Sedge warblers

The Sedge Warbler is a small bird belonging to the family Acrocephalidae. This species is a common summer visitor to the UK, and is found in a range of habitats including wetland, grassland and arable farmland. It is a medium-sized warbler, with a grey-brown back, yellowish-brown underparts and a distinctive white stripe above the eye.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Acrocephalus schoenobaenus

Average Lifespan

2-3 years

Average Size

14-16 cm

Similar To

Reed Warbler, Marsh Warbler, Great Reed Warbler, Aquatic Warbler


The Sedge Warbler breeds between April and August, with males arriving first to establish territories. They build nests in low vegetation such as reeds, grasses and sedges, and lay between 3-5 eggs. The eggs are incubated for 12-14 days, and the chicks fledge after 12-14 days. The young birds will stay with the adults until they are ready to migrate in late summer.


The Sedge Warbler feeds mainly on insects, but will also take some fruit and seeds. It will forage on the ground and in low vegetation, and will also catch insects in mid-air.


Sedge Warblers are found in a range of habitats including wetlands, grasslands, arable farmland, reedbeds and heaths. They prefer areas with dense vegetation and plenty of insects, and will also use gardens and urban parks.

10 Fun Facts About

1. The Sedge Warbler has a distinctive song consisting of a series of short, sharp notes. 2. The Sedge Warbler is a migratory species, and will travel thousands of miles to reach its wintering grounds in Africa. 3. The Sedge Warbler can be seen in the UK from April to August. 4. The Sedge Warbler is a sociable bird, and will often form flocks during the winter months. 5. The Sedge Warbler is a territorial species, and will aggressively defend its breeding territory. 6. The Sedge Warbler will often take insects from the surface of water, a behaviour known as ‘dipping’. 7. The Sedge Warbler will often use the same nesting site year after year. 8. The Sedge Warbler is a common bird, and is found in many parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. 9. The Sedge Warbler has a wide variety of calls, including a 'churr' call used to ward off potential predators. 10. The Sedge Warbler is a vocal species, and can often be heard singing from the tops of trees.


This Sedge Warbler is a real tweetheart!

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