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Seals are semi-aquatic mammals that live in both marine and freshwater habitats. They are part of the Pinniped family, which includes walruses, sea lions, and fur seals. Seals have a streamlined body shape and flippers, enabling them to be highly agile swimmers. Seals can be found on all continents except for Antarctica.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

20 to 40 years

Average Size

2 to 8 feet

Similar To

Walruses, Sea Lions, Fur Seals, Polar Bears.


Seals have a relatively short gestation period of 11 to 12 months. They usually have one pup per year, which is born on land. The pup is weaned after 3 to 4 weeks and is able to swim and dive after around 2 months. Seals reach sexual maturity at 4 to 7 years old.


Seals feed mainly on fish, squid, and crustaceans. They are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will eat whatever is most abundant and accessible. Some species of seals also feed on marine mammals, such as penguins.


Seals prefer cold, coastal waters and can be found in the Arctic, Antarctic, and temperate seas. They are most commonly found on rocky shores, but they also inhabit sandy beaches, ice floes, and tidal areas.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Seals are able to hold their breath for up to two hours. 2. Seals can dive up to depths of 1,500 feet. 3. Seals have a layer of blubber beneath their skin which helps to keep them warm in cold waters. 4. Seals can sleep underwater. 5. Seals have excellent vision, both in and out of the water. 6. Seals can swim up to 25 miles per hour. 7. Seals have sensitive whiskers on their face which help them to detect prey in the dark. 8. Seals can live up to 40 years. 9. Seals are able to rotate their hind flippers to help them move on land. 10. Seals are social animals and live in large groups called “hauls”.


What do you call a seal in a tree? A bark-ing seal!

Out Thoughts About

🤩 Seals are amazing animals that are incredibly adapted to their environment. We can all learn a lot from them!

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