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Seagulls are a type of large, long-winged, white-headed bird that are commonly seen near the shorelines of oceans and large lakes. They are known for their loud, distinctive calls and the way they fly in large flocks. Seagulls are also known for their intelligence and resourcefulness, often taking advantage of human activities to scavenge for food.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Larus spp.

Average Lifespan

Up to 25 years

Average Size

Up to 24 inches in length

Similar To

Gulls, Terns, Skuas, Auks


Seagulls typically lay two to three eggs in a nest that is made of sticks, seaweed, and other materials. The eggs hatch after about 25 days and the chicks take about three months to learn to fly. Seagulls form monogamous pairs for life and usually return to the same nesting site each year.


Seagulls are omnivores and will eat almost anything, including fish, insects, worms, small mammals, and even human food. They are also known to scavenge for food around beaches, docks, and other human activities.


Seagulls can be found in a variety of habitats, including coastal areas, estuaries, and inland lakes and rivers. They are also known to inhabit city parks, golf courses, and other urban areas.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Seagulls have a special pouch in their throat that allows them to store food for later. 2. Seagulls can fly up to 55 miles per hour. 3. Seagulls have excellent vision, able to spot food from up to a mile away. 4. Seagulls have been known to live up to 25 years in the wild. 5. Seagulls have special oil glands that help keep their feathers waterproof. 6. Seagulls are known to be very social and will often gather in large flocks. 7. Seagulls are capable of recognizing individual humans and remembering them for years. 8. Seagulls are known to be very resourceful, often taking advantage of human activities to scavenge for food. 9. Seagulls have been known to use tools, such as using sticks to dig for food. 10. Seagulls are capable of learning new behaviors and passing them down to their offspring.


What did the seagull say when he found a french fry? “Seagulls be lovin’ it!”

Out Thoughts About

🤩 Seagulls are amazing birds that are full of surprises and intelligence!

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