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Ravens are large, intelligent birds that are a part of the Corvidae family. They are known for their intelligence, curiosity, and mischievousness. They can be found on every continent except Antarctica. Ravens are incredibly adaptable and can live in a variety of habitats, from the Arctic tundra to the deserts of Africa.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Corvus corax

Average Lifespan

10-15 years in the wild, up to 20 years in captivity

Average Size

24-27 inches in length, with a wingspan of up to 4 feet

Similar To

Crows, magpies, jays, jackdaws


Ravens have a complex lifecycle. They typically mate for life and build nests high up in trees or on cliff faces. The female will lay between 3 and 7 eggs, which she will incubate for around three weeks. The chicks will fledge after about four to five weeks and will stay with their parents until they are around six months old.


Ravens are omnivorous and will eat a wide variety of food. They hunt small animals, such as rodents and reptiles, and will also eat fruits, nuts, and berries. They are also known to scavenge for food from human sources, such as garbage cans and picnic areas.


Ravens can be found in a variety of habitats, from the Arctic tundra to the deserts of Africa. They are also known to inhabit urban areas and can often be seen in parks, gardens, and cemeteries. They usually build their nests in high places, such as on cliffs, in tall trees, or even on the sides of buildings.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Ravens are one of the most intelligent birds in the world and can solve complex problems. 2. Ravens have excellent memories and can recognize individual humans. 3. Ravens can mimic the sounds of other animals, including humans. 4. Ravens are known to play games with each other and with other animals. 5. Ravens can live up to 20 years in the wild. 6. Ravens have been known to use tools to solve problems. 7. Ravens are highly social and form strong bonds with their family and flock members. 8. Ravens can fly up to 50 miles per hour. 9. Ravens have a wide variety of vocalizations and can make a wide range of sounds. 10. Ravens have been known to use their beaks to crack open nuts.


Ravens are so clever, they could probably write their own puns!

Out Thoughts About

🤩 These amazing birds are so smart and resourceful!

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