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Platypuses are one of the most unique creatures on the planet. They are a type of monotreme, which means they lay eggs like a bird, and have a bill and webbed feet like a duck. They are found mainly in Australia and Tasmania, and are the only mammals that lay eggs.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Ornithorhynchus anatinus

Average Lifespan

10-12 years

Average Size

30-45 cm

Similar To

Echidnas, Ducks, Beavers, Otters


Platypuses are born in a burrow that the mother digs into the riverbank. The mother will incubate the eggs for around 10-12 days before they hatch. The young platypuses will stay in the burrow for around four months and then they will leave the burrow and become independent.


Platypuses are carnivorous and mainly eat insects, worms, shrimp, and other small aquatic creatures. They use their bill to detect prey, and the bill is covered in electroreceptors that can detect electrical signals from their prey.


Platypuses are mainly found in freshwater rivers and streams in Australia and Tasmania. They prefer areas with slow-moving water and plenty of vegetation. They are also found in lakes and ponds in some parts of Australia.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Platypuses have a bill like a duck, webbed feet like a duck, and lay eggs like a bird. 2. Platypuses have a sixth sense - they can detect electrical signals from their prey. 3. Platypuses can stay underwater for up to 10 minutes. 4. Platypuses are nocturnal and mainly hunt for food at night. 5. Platypuses are one of the few mammals that lay eggs. 6. The male platypus has a venomous spur on its hind legs. 7. Platypuses are excellent swimmers and can reach speeds of up to 5 mph. 8. Platypuses are very social animals and live in groups of up to 10 individuals. 9. Platypuses can close their eyes, ears, and nostrils when swimming underwater. 10. Platypuses can eat up to 20% of their body weight in food each day.


What did the Platypus say when it saw a duck? "Quack-tastic!"

Out Thoughts About

🤩🤩 Platypuses are so unique and fascinating!

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