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Pandas are large, bear-like mammals native to central China. They are known for their distinctive black and white fur, as well as their playful and gentle nature. Pandas are an endangered species, and their conservation is of great importance.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Ailuropoda melanoleuca

Average Lifespan

15-20 years

Average Size

4-6 feet

Similar To

Red Panda, Sloth Bear, Sun Bear, Spectacled Bear


Pandas reach sexual maturity at the age of five to seven years old. After mating, the female will give birth to one or two cubs after a gestation period of 95 to 160 days. Cubs are born blind and helpless and rely on their mother for nourishment and protection.


Pandas are herbivores and primarily feed on bamboo, although they will also eat other types of grass, fruits, and other vegetation.


Pandas live in temperate forests with dense bamboo and coniferous trees. They can be found in the mountain regions of central China, including Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Pandas are excellent tree climbers and can climb as high as 13,000 feet. 2. Pandas can eat up to 20-30 pounds of bamboo a day. 3. When pandas are born, they are only about the size of a stick of butter. 4. Pandas have a sixth finger on their front paws, which helps them grab and hold bamboo. 5. Pandas can live up to 30 years in captivity. 6. Pandas can stand on their hind legs and can reach heights of up to five feet. 7. Pandas have a unique digestive system and can only digest about 17% of the bamboo they eat. 8. Pandas are excellent swimmers and can swim up to half a mile. 9. Pandas are solitary animals and prefer to live alone. 10. Pandas use their tails to communicate with other pandas.


What did the panda say when he was asked to dance? "Bamboo-bout it!"

Out Thoughts About

πŸΌπŸ’› Pandas are so cute and gentle! We are so lucky to be able to observe them in their natural habitat.

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