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Otters are members of the Mustelidae family, which includes weasels, badgers, and mink. They are known for their playful behavior, their sleek bodies, and their webbed feet. They live in both fresh and salt water habitats, and can be found in North America, Europe, and Asia.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Lontra canadensis

Average Lifespan

10-15 years

Average Size

3-4 feet

Similar To

Weasels, badgers, mink, seals


Otters mate seasonally, and the female gives birth to a litter of 2-3 pups. The mother will stay with her pups for up to a year, teaching them how to swim and hunt. After this, the pups will leave the mother and become independent.


Otters are carnivores, and their diet consists of fish, crabs, and other small aquatic animals. They also eat frogs, birds, and small mammals.


Otters live in both fresh and salt water habitats, such as rivers, lakes, estuaries, and coastal areas. They prefer areas with plenty of vegetation, and they build their dens in burrows or hollow logs.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Otters use rocks to break open the shells of their prey. 2. Otters can hold their breath underwater for up to 8 minutes. 3. Otters are very social animals, and they live in groups called “rafts”. 4. Otters have a thick layer of fur that helps them stay warm in cold water. 5. Otters can swim up to 6 miles per hour. 6. Otters use their webbed feet to help them swim and maneuver in the water. 7. Otters use their tails to steer and propel themselves in the water. 8. Otters have a special pouch in their cheeks to store food. 9. Otters use their whiskers to help them find food in the dark. 10. Otters can close their ears and nose underwater to keep water out.


What do you call an otter that likes to dance? A rumba-dancing otter!

Out Thoughts About

🐾 Otters are so cute and playful! We love them! 🐾

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