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Orioles are a large group of passerine birds in the family Icteridae. They are found in warm-temperate and tropical parts of the world, with the majority of species occurring in Central and South America. Orioles are brightly colored birds with a unique call that can be heard from far away. They are often found in open woodlands and gardens, and can be seen perched on trees or flying in search of food.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

5-10 years

Average Size

7-9 inches

Similar To

Blackbirds, meadowlarks, grackles, cowbirds


Orioles lay their eggs in a nest made of twigs, grass, and other materials. The female will then incubate the eggs for about two weeks until they hatch. The chicks will remain in the nest for about two weeks before they fledge and are able to fly.


Orioles mainly eat fruit, but also feed on insects, spiders, and small lizards. They have strong, curved bills that help them to feed on hard-shelled fruits and insects.


Orioles are found in woodlands, gardens, and other open habitats. They prefer habitats with plenty of trees, where they can find food and build their nests.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Orioles are named after the Latin word for “golden”, referring to their bright yellow and orange feathers. 2. Orioles are able to fly up to 60 miles per hour. 3. Orioles use their long, curved bills to feed on hard-shelled fruits and insects. 4. Orioles are known for their loud and melodious songs. 5. Orioles are able to mimic the songs of other birds. 6. Orioles are monogamous and mate for life. 7. Orioles build their nests in trees and shrubs. 8. Orioles are able to recognize their own reflection in a mirror. 9. Orioles are able to remember the location of their food sources. 10. Orioles are able to recognize humans and may even come to feed from their hands.


What did the Orioles say when they saw a bright orange bird? "Ooh, look at that or-ange-ous fellow!"

Out Thoughts About

🤩🤩 Orioles are such beautiful and fascinating birds!

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