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Nuthatches are small, active birds that are found in wooded areas across much of the world. They are members of the family Sittidae, which includes treecreepers, wallcreeper and wrens. Nuthatches are known for their agility and ability to move up, down and around trees. They have strong feet and sharp claws, which allow them to cling to tree trunks and branches. They have a distinctive call that is often heard in wooded areas.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

5-7 years

Average Size

4-5 inches

Similar To

Treecreepers, Wallcreeper, Wrens, Chickadees.


Nuthatches breed in the spring and summer months, laying clutches of 4 to 8 eggs in a nest that is built in a tree cavity. The eggs are incubated for around two weeks and the young birds fledge from the nest after around three weeks. The young birds remain with their parents for a few weeks, learning to forage for food.


Nuthatches feed on a variety of food, including insects, seeds, nuts, and berries. They often store food in crevices in tree bark and use their strong feet to hammer open nuts.


Nuthatches are found in wooded areas across much of the world, including forests, woodlands, parks, gardens and orchards. They prefer mature trees with plenty of dead branches and tree cavities for nesting.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Nuthatches are able to move up, down and around trees thanks to their strong feet and sharp claws. 2. Nuthatches have a distinctive call that is often heard in wooded areas. 3. Nuthatches feed on a variety of food, including insects, seeds, nuts, and berries. 4. Nuthatches store food in crevices in tree bark and use their strong feet to hammer open nuts. 5. Nuthatches breed in the spring and summer months, laying clutches of 4 to 8 eggs in a nest that is built in a tree cavity. 6. Nuthatches often use their bills to wedge bark off of trees to get to food underneath. 7. Nuthatches are very social birds, often forming flocks and foraging together. 8. Nuthatches are able to recognize their own reflection in a mirror. 9. Nuthatches have been known to use tools to get to food, such as pieces of bark or twigs. 10. Nuthatches are known to be very vocal birds, making a variety of calls and songs.


Nuthatches are a real hoot!

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🐦🤩 Nuthatches are such cool and interesting birds!

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