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Newts are amphibians in the family Salamandridae. They are found in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres and come in a variety of colors and sizes. Newts are found in temperate regions and are divided into two main groups: the Eastern and the Western. They are a popular pet and are often found in aquariums.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

5-20 years

Average Size

2-10 inches

Similar To

Frogs, Salamanders, Toads, Mudpuppies


Newts typically have a three-stage life cycle. They start as eggs, which are laid in water and hatch into larvae. The larvae then develop into juvenile newts, which then become adults. The adult newts then return to the water to breed.


Newts are omnivorous and feed on a variety of insects, worms, and small crustaceans. They also eat aquatic plants, algae, and other small aquatic animals.


Newts are found in a variety of habitats, from ponds and lakes to slow-moving streams and rivers. They prefer shallow, slow-moving waters with plenty of vegetation and rocks for shelter.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Newts have the ability to regenerate lost limbs. 2. Some species of newts can live up to 20 years. 3. Newts can swim and climb. 4. Some species of newts can change color to match their surroundings. 5. Newts are able to survive in both water and land habitats. 6. Newts have a slimy skin which helps protect them from predators. 7. Newts can secrete a toxin from their skin to deter predators. 8. Newts are able to survive in a variety of temperatures. 9. Newts have a unique courtship behavior, where the male will wave his tail and display his bright colors to attract a female. 10. Newts can lay up to 400 eggs at once.


What did the newt say when it was feeling blue? "I'm newtral!"

Out Thoughts About

🐸🤩 Newts are so cool!

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