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Narwhals are a unique species of whale found mainly in the Arctic waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They are easily recognizable by their long, spiraled tusk that can grow up to 8 feet long. Narwhals are social animals that live in large pods, and their diet consists mainly of fish, squid, and shrimp.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Monodon monoceros

Average Lifespan

50 years

Average Size

15-20 feet

Similar To

Beluga Whale, Killer Whale, Bowhead Whale, Pilot Whale


Narwhals reach sexual maturity at around 8-10 years old. Females give birth to a single calf every two to three years. Calves are weaned off their mother's milk after a year and a half.


Narwhals mainly feed on Arctic cod, Greenland halibut, shrimp, and squid. They will also occasionally eat other fish and crustaceans.


Narwhals can be found in the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean, including in the Baffin Bay, the Davis Strait, and the Hudson Bay. They prefer shallow waters and often congregate in large pods near the edge of the ice pack.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Narwhals are also known as the "unicorns of the sea" due to their long tusk. 2. Narwhals can dive up to 1,500 meters deep. 3. Narwhals are able to communicate using a variety of clicks, whistles, and buzzes. 4. Narwhals live in large pods of up to 10,000 individuals. 5. Narwhals are very sensitive to changes in their environment. 6. Narwhals are known to migrate up to 4,000 kilometers a year. 7. Narwhals can live up to 50 years old in the wild. 8. Narwhals can swim up to 19 miles per hour. 9. Narwhals are one of the few species of whale that can live in both salt and fresh water. 10. Narwhals are an important source of food for Inuit communities in the Arctic.


What do you call a narwhal with a great sense of humor? A jok-whal!

Out Thoughts About

🤩🤩 Narwhals are such an incredible species!

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