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Mynah birds

Mynah birds, also known as starlings, are medium-sized passerine birds native to tropical and subtropical climates. The most common species is the common myna, which is found in tropical and subtropical areas of Asia, Africa, and Australia. Mynah birds are known for their intelligence, vocal abilities, and their ability to mimic human speech.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Acridotheres tristis

Average Lifespan

Up to 20 years

Average Size

18-24 cm

Similar To

Crows, ravens, jackdaws, magpies


Mynah birds reach maturity at about one year of age. They form lifelong pair bonds and will often mate for life. The female mynah bird will typically lay 2-4 eggs in a nest made of grass, twigs, and feathers. The eggs hatch after about two weeks and the young birds are able to fly after about five weeks.


Mynah birds are omnivorous and feed on a variety of foods including insects, fruits, grains, and nectar. They have also been known to scavenge for food in urban areas.


Mynah birds are usually found in open woodlands, grasslands, and scrublands. They are also common in urban areas, where they can be found scavenging for food.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Mynah birds are highly intelligent and can learn to mimic human speech. 2. Mynah birds have a unique ability to imitate the calls of other birds. 3. Mynah birds have a lifespan of up to 20 years. 4. Mynah birds are social and form lifelong pair bonds. 5. Mynah birds are known to be loyal to their mates and will often mate for life. 6. Mynah birds will often build their nests in tree hollows or in the crevices of buildings. 7. Mynah birds are known to use tools to forage for food. 8. Mynah birds are able to recognize their own reflection in a mirror. 9. Mynah birds have been observed to use stones to crack open nuts. 10. Mynah birds are able to recognize individual humans and remember them over long periods of time.


Mynah birds are so smart, they could give you an earful!

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🤩 Mynah birds are fascinating creatures with many unique traits!

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