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Muskoxen are a species of Arctic hoofed mammals that live in the Arctic tundra and are part of the Bovidae family, which includes bison, antelope, and goats. They are well adapted to the cold climate and have thick fur and a large hump on their back which helps them to survive in the harsh conditions. Muskoxen are also known for their strong social bonds and are often seen in large herds.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Ovibos moschatus

Average Lifespan

20 years

Average Size

5-6 feet tall

Similar To

Bison, Antelope, Goats, Sheep


Muskoxen typically live for around 20 years in the wild. They are born in the spring and are weaned off their mother’s milk at around 6 months old. As they grow, they become more independent and start to form their own social groups.


Muskoxen mainly eat grasses, sedges, and other vegetation that is found in the Arctic tundra. They also sometimes feed on mosses and lichens.


Muskoxen are found in the Arctic tundra and are well adapted to the cold climate. They are able to survive in temperatures as low as -50°C and can even find food in the snow.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Muskoxen are the only species of hoofed mammals that live in the Arctic. 2. Muskoxen have a thick layer of fur that helps them to stay warm in the cold temperatures. 3. Muskoxen form strong social bonds and are often seen in large herds. 4. Muskoxen are able to find food even in the snow. 5. Muskoxen can run at speeds of up to 40km/h. 6. Muskoxen have a thick hump on their back which helps them to survive in the cold climate. 7. Muskoxen have been known to live up to 20 years in the wild. 8. Muskoxen are able to swim and dive underwater to escape predators. 9. Muskoxen are able to defend themselves against predators using their horns. 10. Muskoxen are excellent climbers and can climb steep slopes.


What do you call a Muskox with a cold? A Snuffalo!

Out Thoughts About

🤩 We think Muskoxen are amazing animals that are well adapted to the cold climate and have strong social bonds.

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