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Monkeys are primates that are found in tropical and subtropical environments around the world. They are divided into two main groups, the Old World monkeys found in Africa and Asia and the New World monkeys found in Central and South America. Monkeys are highly intelligent and social animals, capable of using tools and communicating with each other.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

25-45 years

Average Size

Varies depending on species, from 2-3 feet in length.

Similar To

Apes, Chimpanzees, Gibbons, Lemurs


Monkeys reach sexual maturity at different ages depending on the species, but generally, males reach sexual maturity at about 5 years old and females at about 4 years old. They usually mate during the wet season and the female will carry the baby for about 5 to 6 months before giving birth. The baby monkey will stay with its mother until it is about 2 years old.


Monkeys are omnivores and their diet consists of fruits, nuts, leaves, insects, and small animals. Some species of monkeys also eat soil and clay, which helps them absorb essential minerals.


Monkeys live in a variety of habitats, including tropical forests, savannas, and grasslands. They prefer to live in large groups and can often be seen in trees or on the ground.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Monkeys can recognize themselves in a mirror. 2. Monkeys use tools to get food. 3. Monkeys can be trained to do simple tasks. 4. Monkeys can swim. 5. Monkeys can learn sign language. 6. Monkeys have fingerprints just like humans. 7. Monkeys have a wide range of facial expressions. 8. Monkeys groom each other to show affection. 9. Monkeys can live up to 45 years. 10. Monkeys can be taught to play video games.


What do you call a monkey in a tree? A branch manager!

Out Thoughts About

🐒 Monkeys are so amazing! They are smart, social, and fun to watch.

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