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Mistle thrushes

Mistle thrushes (Turdus viscivorus) are a species of thrush that can be found in Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa. They are medium-sized birds, typically reaching a length of around 25 cm and a wingspan of around 40 cm. They are grayish-brown in color with a buff-brown breast and a white belly. They have a distinctive black eye-stripe and white spots on their wings.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Turdus viscivorus

Average Lifespan

5-6 years

Average Size

25 cm in length and 40 cm in wingspan

Similar To

Song Thrush, Fieldfare, Redwing, Blackbird


Mistle thrushes usually lay their eggs in April or May and the eggs hatch after around two weeks. The young Mistle thrushes fledge after around three weeks and become independent after a month.


Mistle thrushes mostly feed on a variety of invertebrates, such as snails, earthworms, and insects. They also eat berries and fruits, including mistletoe berries.


Mistle thrushes can be found in a variety of habitats, including woods, parks, gardens, and farmland. They are often seen perched on the tops of trees or bushes.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Mistle thrushes are the only thrushes that breed in Britain. 2. Mistle thrushes are known for their loud, melodious songs. 3. Mistle thrushes are one of the few birds that eat mistletoe berries. 4. Mistle thrushes are very territorial and will defend their territory from other birds. 5. Mistle thrushes have been known to use tools to help them find food. 6. Mistle thrushes are known for their aggressive behavior and will attack other birds if they get too close. 7. Mistle thrushes are one of the few birds that will eat the eggs of other birds. 8. Mistle thrushes are migratory birds and will travel long distances in search of food. 9. Mistle thrushes are known to eat snails by throwing them in the air and catching them. 10. Mistle thrushes are very vocal birds and can be heard singing throughout the day.


The Mistle thrush is a songbird that likes to thrush around!

Out Thoughts About

🤩🤩Mistle thrushes are amazing birds with a unique diet and beautiful songs!

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