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Meerkats are small mammals that are part of the mongoose family. They are native to the deserts of southern Africa and are known for their social behavior and habit of standing on their hind legs. Meerkats live in groups of up to 30 individuals and have a complex social hierarchy.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Suricata suricatta

Average Lifespan

Up to 14 years in captivity

Average Size

Up to 12 inches (30 cm)

Similar To

Mongooses, Honey Badgers, Weasels


Meerkats reach sexual maturity at around one year of age and typically have one litter of three to four pups each year. The pups are born blind and are cared for by the entire group.


Meerkats are opportunistic feeders and their diet consists mostly of insects, spiders, small lizards, and plants. They also sometimes eat eggs and small mammals.


Meerkats live in open grasslands, savannas, and deserts. They make their dens in the ground and use their sharp claws to dig burrows. The burrows provide shelter from predators and extreme temperatures.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Meerkats are known for standing on their hind legs to look for predators. 2. Meerkats live in groups called mobs. 3. Meerkats groom each other to keep their fur clean and healthy. 4. Meerkats have a complex system of communication, including vocalizations and body language. 5. Meerkats are diurnal, meaning they are most active during the day. 6. Meerkats have a special alarm call to alert their group of danger. 7. Meerkats have a special pouch on their stomachs to carry food. 8. Meerkats take turns babysitting while other members of the group go out to hunt. 9. Meerkats can live up to 14 years in captivity. 10. Meerkats are related to mongooses, honey badgers, and weasels.


What did the meerkat say when he got lost? "I'm meerkat-astray!"

Out Thoughts About

😍 Meerkats are so cute and social!

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