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Marmots are large squirrels that live in North America, Europe, and Asia. They are most closely related to prairie dogs and groundhogs, and are part of the Sciuridae family. Marmots are burrowing animals that hibernate for long periods of time during the winter.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

10-15 years

Average Size

18-27 inches

Similar To

Prairie dogs, groundhogs, chipmunks, beavers


Marmots mate in the spring and give birth to litters of 3-7 young. The young stay with their mothers for about two months before they become independent. Marmots reach sexual maturity at two years old.


Marmots are herbivores, and feed mainly on grasses, leaves, and roots. They also eat fruits, nuts, and seeds when available.


Marmots live in meadows, grasslands, and alpine meadows. They build extensive burrows in the ground and spend much of their time underground.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Marmots are the largest members of the squirrel family. 2. Marmots are excellent swimmers and can stay underwater for up to five minutes. 3. Marmots use a variety of vocalizations to communicate with each other. 4. Marmots are sociable animals and live in colonies of up to 30 individuals. 5. Marmots can live up to 15 years in the wild. 6. Marmots have a very keen sense of smell and can detect predators from a long distance. 7. Marmots are diurnal animals, meaning they are active during the day. 8. Marmots are very territorial and will fiercely defend their burrows. 9. Marmots can jump up to 3 feet in the air. 10. Marmots are excellent climbers and can climb trees to escape predators.


What do you call a marmot that's always late? A procrastimarmot!

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🐿️ Marmots are incredibly fascinating animals, and we love learning about them!

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