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Manatees, also known as sea cows, are large, gentle aquatic mammals native to the warm waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. They are slow-moving, peaceful creatures that live in shallow, coastal areas and estuaries. Manatees have a unique appearance, with a thick, wrinkled skin, a spatula-shaped tail, and small eyes. They are herbivores, feeding on a variety of aquatic plants.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Trichechus manatus

Average Lifespan

60 years

Average Size

2.8 to 4.0 m long and weigh up to 590 kg

Similar To

Elephants, Hyraxes, Dugongs, Sea Lions


Manatees are mammals, and like all mammals, they give birth to live young. After a gestation period of 12 months, a single calf is born. The calf will stay with its mother for up to two years, learning how to find food and navigate its environment. When it reaches sexual maturity, usually between three and five years old, it will leave its mother and join a larger group of manatees.


Manatees are herbivores, meaning they feed exclusively on aquatic plants. They graze on sea grass, algae, and other aquatic vegetation. They are able to consume large amounts of food, up to 10-15% of their body weight each day.


Manatees are found in shallow, coastal areas and estuaries. They prefer warm, slow-moving waters, and are often found in the shallow, protected waters of bays, lagoons, and rivers. They are also found in the open ocean, but they tend to stay close to shore.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Manatees are related to elephants and hyraxes, and share many of their characteristics. 2. Manatees have no natural predators, and have been known to live up to 60 years in captivity. 3. Manatees are slow swimmers, and can reach a top speed of only 5 miles per hour. 4. Manatees use their flippers to help them eat and manipulate objects. 5. Manatees can hold their breath for up to 15 minutes. 6. Manatees are social animals, and can often be seen in groups of up to a dozen. 7. Manatees can sleep underwater for up to 8 hours at a time. 8. Manatees have poor eyesight, but rely on their sensitive whiskers to help them find food. 9. Manatees are vocal animals, and have been known to make a variety of sounds, including whistles, squeaks, and chirps. 10. Manatees are gentle giants, and have never been known to attack humans.


Manatees are the life of the sea-party!

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🐘🐋🐬 We think Manatees are amazing and gentle creatures that deserve our protection!

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