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Lop-eared rabbits

Lop-eared rabbits are a type of domesticated rabbit that are known for their distinctively long and floppy ears. They are popular pets due to their calm and friendly nature, and come in a variety of colors and sizes.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Oryctolagus cuniculus

Average Lifespan

6-10 years

Average Size

2-4 lbs

Similar To

rabbits, hares, pikas, jackrabbits


Lop-eared rabbits typically reach maturity at around 6 months of age, and can live up to 10 years in captivity. Females are capable of reproducing at just 6 months old, and can have up to 8 litters in a year.


Lop-eared rabbits are herbivores, and have a diet consisting of hay, fresh vegetables, and other plant matter.


Lop-eared rabbits are typically kept as pets, and can be kept indoors or outdoors in a hutch. They should be provided with plenty of space to move around, and should have access to fresh food and water at all times.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Lop-eared rabbits are the most popular breed of domesticated rabbit. 2. The longest recorded lop-eared rabbit was 3 feet long. 3. Lop-eared rabbits are known for their friendly and calm demeanor. 4. Lop-eared rabbits can be trained to respond to their name. 5. The floppy ears of lop-eared rabbits help to regulate their body temperature. 6. Lop-eared rabbits can be litter-box trained. 7. The average litter size for lop-eared rabbits is 4-6 kits. 8. Lop-eared rabbits can jump up to 3 feet in the air. 9. Lop-eared rabbits are social animals, and should be kept in pairs or groups. 10. Lop-eared rabbits can make excellent house pets.


What did the lop-eared rabbit say to the other? "Let's hop to it!"

Out Thoughts About

🐰🤩 Lop-eared rabbits are one of the most popular breeds of domesticated rabbit, and make great house pets!

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