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Lizards are a group of reptiles that belong to the order Squamata. They are fascinating creatures that are found in many different habitats all over the world. There are more than 6,000 species of lizards, which vary greatly in size, colour, and behaviour.

Meta Information

Scientific Name


Average Lifespan

Varies depending on species, but can range from 1-50 years

Average Size

Varies depending on species, but can range from 0.4-10 feet

Similar To

Snakes, Turtles, Crocodiles, Alligators


Lizards usually lay eggs, and the eggs hatch into small lizards. Depending on the species, some lizards lay eggs in nests, while others bury the eggs in soil or sand. After hatching, the young lizards must fend for themselves, and they will often hide in crevices and under rocks to avoid predators. As they grow, they will shed their skin periodically, and they may reach sexual maturity in a few months or a few years.


Lizards are mostly carnivorous, and they feed on insects, small mammals, and other lizards. They may also eat fruits and vegetables, depending on the species.


Lizards are found in a wide variety of habitats, from deserts to rainforests to grasslands. Some lizards are even found in urban areas, such as cities and towns.

10 Fun Facts About

1. The world’s smallest lizard is the Jaragua Sphaero, which can be as small as 0.4 inches long. 2. The world’s largest lizard is the Komodo Dragon, which can grow up to 10 feet long. 3. Some lizards can run on water! This is called "hydroplaning". 4. Some lizards can detach their tails if they are threatened by a predator. 5. Lizards can change colour to blend in with their environment. 6. Some lizards can change their gender from male to female and vice versa. 7. Some lizards can live up to 50 years! 8. Lizards have a special organ in their tails that can detect changes in air pressure. 9. Some lizards can "walk" up walls and even across ceilings! 10. Some lizards can shoot jets of water from their mouths!


What do you call a lizard that can't decide what to eat? A picky-scaly!

Out Thoughts About

🦎 Lizards are amazing creatures that come in all shapes and sizes. They are fascinating to watch and learn about!

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