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Lemmings are small rodents that are found in the Arctic tundra. They are well adapted to the cold temperatures and the extreme weather conditions of their habitat. They are known for their ability to migrate in large numbers, which is often referred to as a “lemming run”.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Lemmus lemmus

Average Lifespan

1-3 years

Average Size

7-9 inches

Similar To

Voles, Mice, Shrews, Muskrats


Lemmings are born in early spring, and they mature quickly. They have a short lifespan of 1-3 years.


Lemmings feed on a variety of grasses, mosses, lichens, and other plant material. They also eat insects and other small invertebrates.


Lemmings inhabit the tundra regions of the Arctic, including northern Canada, Alaska, Scandinavia, and Siberia. They prefer areas with low vegetation and rocky soil.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Lemmings are able to jump up to 3 feet in the air. 2. Lemmings can swim and even dive underwater to find food. 3. Lemmings are known to migrate in large numbers, which is often referred to as a “lemming run”. 4. Lemmings are able to survive temperatures as low as -50°F. 5. Lemmings are able to store fat in their tails, which helps them survive the winter. 6. Lemmings are able to reproduce quickly, with females capable of producing up to 8 litters per year. 7. Lemmings are a food source for many predators, including foxes, wolves, and snowy owls. 8. Lemmings have been known to dig tunnels up to 3 feet deep. 9. Lemmings are able to climb up steep slopes and jump over obstacles. 10. Lemmings have poor eyesight, but they have a good sense of smell and hearing.


Lemmings may not have the best vision, but they always have their head in the right direction!

Out Thoughts About

🐀😃 Lemmings are fascinating creatures that are able to survive in the harshest of climates!

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