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Lancelets, also known as amphioxus, are small, eel-like creatures that are found in shallow waters in the ocean. They are a primitive type of chordate and are thought to be the closest living relatives to the vertebrates. They are found worldwide in the marine environment, with some species living in estuaries and brackish waters.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Branchiostoma lanceolatum

Average Lifespan

2-3 years

Average Size

Up to 6 cm

Similar To

Eels, jellyfish, sea stars, sea cucumbers


Lancelets have a simple life cycle. They start off as eggs which hatch into larvae, which then grow into adults. The adults spawn eggs which are then released into the water, where they hatch and the cycle begins again.


Lancelets are filter feeders and feed on plankton, small crustaceans, and other tiny organisms in the water.


Lancelets are found in shallow waters in the ocean, usually in depths of up to 30 meters. They are found in estuaries and brackish waters as well.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Lancelets are the closest living relatives to vertebrates. 2. They can be found in all oceans around the world. 3. They have a simple life cycle, with eggs hatching into larvae and then adults. 4. They are filter feeders and feed on plankton and other small organisms. 5. They have a very small head and no eyes. 6. They have a simple nervous system which consists of two nerve cords. 7. They can reach up to 6 cm in length. 8. They are very sensitive to changes in their environment. 9. They have a single, long fin which runs along the length of their body. 10. They are an important part of the food chain in the ocean.


What did the lancelet say when it saw a jellyfish? “Oh wow, that’s jelly-ous!”

Out Thoughts About

🤔🤩 Lancelets are amazing creatures that are incredibly important to the ocean's ecosystem!

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