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Kookaburras are a species of birds native to Australia and New Guinea. They are a member of the Kingfisher family and are known for their distinctive laughter-like call. Kookaburras are ground-dwelling birds and are usually found in open woodlands and forests. They are often seen perched on tree branches or on power lines. Kookaburras have a wide range of colors, from brown to blue.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Dacelo novaeguineae

Average Lifespan

Up to 15 years

Average Size

32 - 42 cm

Similar To

Kingfishers, Bee-eaters, Woodpeckers, Hornbills


Kookaburras usually lay their eggs in a nest made of twigs and leaves. The female Kookaburra will lay 3-4 eggs, which will hatch after about 20 days. The chicks are born with a layer of downy feathers and are able to fly within 6-7 weeks. Kookaburras reach sexual maturity at around 1 year old.


Kookaburras are carnivores and they mainly eat small lizards, snakes, insects, and other small animals. They will also occasionally eat small fish and amphibians.


Kookaburras are found in a variety of habitats, including open woodlands, forests, grasslands, and even suburban areas. They prefer areas with open trees and plenty of ground cover for hunting.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Kookaburras are the largest members of the Kingfisher family. 2. Kookaburras have a distinctive call that sounds like laughter. 3. Kookaburras can live up to 15 years in the wild. 4. Kookaburras are territorial and will defend their territory from other birds. 5. Kookaburras are monogamous and will stay with the same partner for life. 6. Kookaburras build their nests in tree hollows or in the forks of branches. 7. Kookaburras have a wide range of colors, from brown to blue. 8. Kookaburras have been known to eat small mammals, such as mice and rats. 9. Kookaburras are able to dive up to 60 feet in search of food. 10. Kookaburras are able to mimic the sounds of other animals.


What do you call a Kookaburra in the rain? A drippy-burra!

Out Thoughts About

🤣🤣😍 Kookaburras are such amazing birds and we love hearing their laughter-like call!

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