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Koalas are one of the most iconic animals in the world. They are marsupials, which means that they carry their young in a pouch on their stomachs. These animals are native to Australia, and they are known for their big, round noses and fluffy ears. Koalas are also very social animals and live in groups called mobs.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Phascolarctos cinereus

Average Lifespan

Up to 20 years in the wild

Average Size

70-90 cm in length, and 4-15 kg in weight

Similar To

Wombats, Kangaroos, Possums, Wallabies


Koalas mate between December and March, and the female koala gives birth to a single baby after a 35-day gestation period. The baby koala, called a joey, is born blind and hairless, and it lives in its mother’s pouch for about six months before it is ready to explore the world on its own.


Koalas are herbivores and mainly feed on eucalyptus leaves. They can eat up to 500g of leaves each day, and they get all the moisture they need from the leaves.


Koalas are found in the eucalyptus forests of eastern and southern Australia. They prefer habitats with plenty of trees and dense foliage, as this provides them with plenty of food and protection from predators.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Koalas sleep for up to 18 hours a day. 2. They have two thumbs on each paw to help them grip onto branches. 3. Koalas can climb up to 30 feet in the air. 4. They are excellent swimmers and can stay in the water for up to six hours. 5. Koalas have a unique fingerprint, just like humans. 6. They can live up to 20 years in the wild. 7. Koalas are mostly nocturnal and active at night. 8. They have a special pouch on their stomachs for carrying their young. 9. Koalas are very vocal animals and can make a variety of sounds. 10. They are one of the few animals that can survive without drinking water.


What did the koala say when he saw a eucalyptus tree? "Leaf me alone!"

Out Thoughts About

🐨💕 Koalas are so cute and cuddly, and we love them!

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