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Jackals are members of the Canidae family and are closely related to wolves, foxes, and coyotes. They are medium-sized mammals that are found in parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Jackals are known for their intelligence and resourcefulness, and they are able to survive in a variety of habitats.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Canis aureus

Average Lifespan

10-12 years

Average Size

2-3 feet in length

Similar To

Wolves, Foxes, Coyotes, Dingoes


Jackals reach sexual maturity at around one year of age. They typically mate in the spring and have litters of four to six pups. The pups are born blind and are dependent on their parents for food, shelter, and protection. Jackals reach full maturity at around two years of age.


Jackals are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet consists of small mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, fruits, and roots. They also scavenge for food, such as carrion, when available.


Jackals are found in a variety of habitats, including grasslands, savannas, scrublands, and deserts. They are also found in forests and near human settlements.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Jackals are very social animals and live in packs of up to 10 individuals. 2. Jackals are able to adapt to a variety of habitats, from deserts to forests. 3. Jackals are able to swim and can even dive underwater to catch fish. 4. Jackals have a unique howling call that can be heard for miles. 5. Jackals are able to breed with both wolves and coyotes, creating hybrid offspring. 6. Jackals are able to run up to 30 miles per hour. 7. Jackals have long, bushy tails that help them balance while running. 8. Jackals have excellent hearing and can detect prey from a distance. 9. Jackals are nocturnal and are most active at night. 10. Jackals are able to jump up to 6 feet in the air.


What did the jackal say after eating a tasty meal? That was a-howling good!

Out Thoughts About

🐺 Jackals are incredibly resilient and resourceful animals that have been living in the wild for thousands of years. We think they are amazing!

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