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Humpback whales

Humpback whales are some of the most recognizable and beloved cetaceans in the world. These majestic mammals can reach lengths of up to 50 feet and weigh up to 40 tons. They are known for their beautiful, haunting songs and their acrobatic breaching behavior. Humpback whales can be found in oceans all over the world, and they are one of the most studied marine species.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Megaptera novaeangliae

Average Lifespan

50 years

Average Size

40-50 feet

Similar To

Blue whale, Fin whale, Minke whale, Right whale


Humpback whales live a long life, with a lifespan of around 50 years in the wild. They reach sexual maturity around 5-7 years of age and breed during the winter months. The gestation period for a humpback whale is 11-12 months, and a mother whale will give birth to a single calf every one to three years.


Humpback whales are baleen whales, meaning they feed on krill, plankton, and small fish. They use their baleen plates to filter food from the water, and they can consume up to 3,000 pounds of food per day.


Humpback whales are found in oceans all over the world, from the polar regions to the tropics. They prefer deep, nutrient-rich waters, where they can find plenty of food. Humpback whales are highly migratory and can travel thousands of miles in a year, often following seasonal food sources.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Humpback whales have unique “nicks” and “scratches” on their tails that can be used to identify individual whales. 2. Humpback whales have the longest migration of any mammal, traveling up to 16,000 miles in a single year. 3. Humpback whales are known for their complex and beautiful songs, which can last up to 20 minutes. 4. Humpback whales have a unique feeding technique called “bubble netting”, where they use bubbles to corral their prey. 5. Humpback whales can dive up to 500 meters deep. 6. Humpback whales are highly social animals, often traveling in pods of up to 20 individuals. 7. Humpback whales are very acrobatic, often breaching and slapping their tails and fins on the surface of the water. 8. Humpback whales have the longest flippers of any cetacean, measuring up to 16 feet in length. 9. Humpback whales are highly intelligent and have been observed using tools to help them find food. 10. Humpback whales have an incredibly long lifespan, living up to 50 years in the wild.


What do you call a Humpback whale with a sore throat? A spout-off!

Out Thoughts About

🐳💙 Humpback whales are truly amazing creatures that deserve our respect and admiration.

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