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Hares are a species of mammal belonging to the Leporidae family, with over 30 species. They are larger than rabbits, with longer ears and legs and a distinctive black-tipped tail. Hares are well adapted for living in open habitats and are found in a wide range of habitats around the world.

Meta Information

Scientific Name

Lepus spp.

Average Lifespan

Up to 10 years in the wild

Average Size

15-30 inches in length

Similar To

Rabbits, Pikas, Pika-Rats, Mountain Hares


Hares are born fully furred and with their eyes open. They are able to move around on their own shortly after birth and are weaned after about a month. Hares reach sexual maturity at about one year of age and can live up to 10 years in the wild.


Hares are herbivores and feed on a variety of grasses, herbs, and other plants. They also eat bark, twigs, buds, and fruits.


Hares can be found in a variety of habitats around the world, including grasslands, deserts, forests, and even in urban areas. They prefer open habitats with plenty of vegetation to feed on.

10 Fun Facts About

1. Hares have a unique form of camouflage called “shading”, which helps them blend into their surroundings. 2. Hares are able to run up to 40 miles per hour. 3. Hares can jump up to 8 feet in the air. 4. Hares have excellent vision and hearing, and can see up to three times farther than humans. 5. Hares are able to turn their ears in different directions to better detect predators. 6. Hares are able to change their fur color to match their surroundings. 7. Hares are very social creatures and live in groups called “warrens”. 8. Hares are able to swim and can stay underwater for up to 30 minutes. 9. Hares have a unique mating ritual called “boxing”, in which the males stand up on their hind legs and “box” each other. 10. Hares are able to store fat in their tails, which can help them survive during times of food shortage.


"Hares have a lot of hop-tions in life!"

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🤩 Hares are amazing animals with incredible adaptations to survive in a variety of habitats!

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